Would you like to successfuly adress your clients
through e-mail marketing?

With an average yield of 400 %, e-mailing is one of the most lucrative marketing tools on the web.
The e-mail marketing solution is cost-effective and extremely effective to create new leads and increasing sales.

The web world of today connects consumers with digital technology 24 hours a day. Because of a large number of competitive companies, it is hard to stand out, which is the reason why e-mail marketing is one of the best way to stay a step before competition and maintain communication with existing clients.

83 % of adults in Slovenia use e-mail, and 65 % of them have used a coupon or a discount they received through e-mail marketing.

In Bitset we will help you prepare simple and effective actions, which will fulfill your expectations and goals.

What is GDPR and whom does it concern?

The General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR
and ZVOP-2 (Personal Data Protection Act)
are designed to harmonize data privacy laws
in the European Union. GDPR refers to all companies and organizations
who manage, store or process personal data of natural persons.

What do the GDPR and e-mail marketing have in common?

Prior to May 25th you most likely gained consent of all subscribers
to your e-news, that did not comply with the GDPR.
If you have a list of e-mail addresses of subsrcibers, from which yo have not gained consent
after May 25th 2018, you could be facing a substantial
fine upon inspection. You can only use
e-mail addresses, for which you can show you have the
consent from their users, according to GDPR. The GDPR brings stricter rules
for gaining consent to process personal data, so do not forget
to check, that your consent forms are in accordance with GDPR.

Let us start the project

We will help you achieve higher sales results.

Fill out the form and you will be contacted by adviser, who will give you needed information.

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